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Monday 26 December 2011

my top ten yoga tips for the day

1. understand that postures and breathing are part of a system designed to still the mind 
(read the YOGA SUTRAS by Patanjali)

2. the quieter your mind the better you can appreciate this moment as it is

3. it is called a practise therefore practise daily :-)

4. breathing calms the mind and can be done all day

5. find a peaceful corner (see my blog for tips on sanctuary)

6. close your eyes from time to time, feel, visualise

7. bring attention to the feet, there are over 7200 nerve receptors there (try acu-reflexology with me and you will see this too)

8. bring attention to your hands, they open into the arms, neck

9. visualise the asana first to focus your mind and then fill your body into it

10. add a dose of patience, surrender and try to bring the practise off the mat and into daily life

Om shanty shanty shanty, peace, peace, peace


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