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Wednesday 4 January 2012


Here are a few well-recognised reasons to start YOGA

STRESS RELIEF:  Yoga reduces the physical effects of stress on the body by encouraging relaxation and lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  Related benefits include lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion and boosting the immune system as well as easing symptoms of conditions such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia.

PAIN RELIEF:  Yoga can ease pain!  Studies have demonstrated that practising Yoga asanas (postures), and meditative techniques reduced pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases and hypertension, as well as arthritis, back and neck pain and other chronic conditions.

BETTER BREATHING:  Yogic breathing techniques help improve lung function.  Learning to breathe slower and deeper triggers the relaxation response in the body

FLEXIBILITY:  Yoga helps to improve anyone’s flexibility and mobility, increasing range of motion and reducing aches and pains.

INCREASED STRENGTH:  Yoga asanas (postures) use every muscle in the body, helping to improve overall cohesiveness and physical strength, relieve muscle tension and strong body encourages strong mind.

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT:  Yoga, (even less vigorous styles) can aid weight control effects by reducing cortisol levels, burning excess calories, reducing stress and improving overall metabolic functioning.  Yoga encourages healthy eating habits, and promotes heightened sense of inner well-being and self-esteem.

IMPROVED CIRCULATION:  Yoga helps to improve circulation,  a  result of regular practise is that the oxygenated blood moves more efficiently to the body’s cells, helping with growth and repair

CARDIOVASCULAR CONDITIONING:  Even a gentle Yoga practise can provide cardiovascular benefits by lowering heart rate, increasing endurance, improving oxygen uptake during exercise

BETTER BODY ALIGNMENT:  Yoga helps to improve body alignment, resulting in better posture and helping to relieve back, neck, joint and muscle problems

FOCUS ON THE PRESENT:  Yoga helps centre the mind  in the present moment,
Opening the door to improved memory, coordination, reaction time, mind/body health.
Awareness cultivates a joyful, free spirit and positive gratifying outlook.


RANA WAXMAN             514.407.1005

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