Yoga - Toolbox for Transformation.
"The inner obstacles that disperse the mind are sickness, mental inertia, doubt, haste, apathy, intemperance, errors in judgement of oneself, lack of perseverance, and the inability to stay at a level once reached" - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.30
"Personal transformation has always been Yoga's prime directive"- Gary Kraftsow
"all of life is a continual process of refinement which allows us to see more clearly" - Donna Farhi
It's Spring and I am thinking about butterflies. What a wonderful species - they are classic examples of transformation in nature, having 4 life stages that unfold miraculously through their evolution. Butterflies make me think about the eight limbs of Yoga.
We come to Yoga with a variety of circumstances and conditioned behaviour - an ache in the back, a pain in the neck, an emotional upset, a tension headache, upset tummy, chronic health issues, a deep yearning for inner peace. It is a journey, this practise. Moments of breathing, stretching out the tightness in the muscles, going beyond thoughts and rational thinking to connect to an untouched well of joy, solace, calm. Whatever we felt stuck in one moment, dissolves, softens. So important. Life is organic and always changing! Practise starts to break old cycles and re-patterns our brains, re-wiring us to feel free from the effects of old habits, pointing us in the direction of options and nourishing choices, newer and positive ways of being, thinking, feeling.
Sometimes I hear students express desire to change but feelings that they "can't". Well, patience, perseverance, practise, surrender, acceptance - these are all part of the tapestry. The crocuses and tulips that start as seeds under the frozen earth must endure a whole lot before they push up from under the defrosting soil. In an effortless effort, Nature unfolds herself.
Spring, with its bouncy, alive energy gives us a great boost. So if you are feeling like you want to break free of something old that holds you back or hostage, here are a few tips:
-Start where you are.
-Do one thing different each day.
-Remember to take slices of time where you close your eyes, focus on your inner world, breathe, be still. Interiorize your attention.
-Cultivate personal practise.
Wherever you are in your cycle, it is one of many, you will find your wings; Courage and Faith.
Om shanty shanty shanty,
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